Saturday, October 31, 2009

Remix Halloween 2008

I hadn't put much thought into what I wanted to be for Halloween this year.
It seemed like a waste of time.

Last year, I was Michelle Obama. Jeff and I attended a neighbor's party, where John McCain, Sarah Palin and an inflatable moose all made appearances. We danced, drank and socialized, without having to discuss the economy or war or cancer. It was a fun night.

Then several days later, something truly remarkable happened.
Michelle Obama became our country's First Lady.

I like Mrs. Obama. She is smart, thoughtful, sophisticated, and her arms are ALMOST as fit as mine, which made her an easy choice for 2008.

So what have I chosen to be for Halloween 2009?


Deneitra Before Cancer (i.e., smart, thoughtful, and sophisticated, with strong arms)


  1. As Billy Crystal would say...You look Mahvelous! Love you, Debbie

  2. That's the Deneitra I know. Pretty girl :)

  3. Deneitra, I just talked to Letitia and she told my about your illness. It hurt me to my core when she told me. But a good thing happen,she sent me here to your blog. After reading your blog, I am truly encouraged by your strength. I'm still hurt but now I'm encourage. I sing in a choir with 125 men and I will tell them about your testimony and we will pray that Gods power of healing will be upon you. You are my friend. I always knew that you were a strong Black women. You just proved me right with your expressions in your blog. Gods speed. Xavier
