Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Zappos to the Rescue

I tried so hard to write yesterday, but I wound up sick most of the day. Hey, it happens! I have cancer, remember.

But if I had been able to write, here's what I would've written:

I was IMing a good friend on FB last night (Tuesday), discussing my diagnosis. She wanted to know if I was happy with doctors. "All but one," I confided.

"Why don't you like him?" she quizzed.

"He is dismissive and told me that my breast cancer is not an emergency. A gun shot wound is an emergency."

"Does he know who he's dealing with? Does he know you're from Texas?" she asked.

"Not yet, but he will when I get rid of him!" I snapped.

Truth was, I hadn't quite figured out how to do that. Jeff and I had discussed it, but weren't sure how to find the right doctor.

Then I thought - Zappos.
Ladies, we all know about Zappos!
You review a slew of shoes online, in your size, desired color and style. Then you typically order several pairs that might work. Once the shoes arrive, you pick the ones you want, and return the ones you don't. Although every shoe you ordered might meet the criteria, not all shoes will be a good fit.

It's the same with doctors. My "assigned" doctor might have been qualified, but he wasn't a good fit.
I did what any self-respected lady Texan would do: I pulled out my concealed weapon and fired a warning shot.

I'm kidding of course, I simply found another doctor, who was a better fit.


  1. One of the biggest medical mistakes I ever made was keeping my first OB (well, first mistake was taking a friend's recommendation over Dave's) after it became clear we were a bad match and I had no trust or faith in him. When Andrew's delivery went haywire, it was YEARS before I was convinced that if he hadn't done something differently, I could have avoided my first - and guaranteed subsequent - C-sections.

    Stick to your guns, girl - we ALWAYS know what's best for our own bodies (and mental state). Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

  2. I thought for sure you were going to say that you pulled off a shoe and flung it at him.

  3. I was envisioning you gracefully removing your 4 inch heel from your foot and sending in flying in his direction!

    You would think the wife of a doc would get special treatment...like the wives of cops. No?

    How are you feeling today?
