Sunday, November 1, 2009


Women are givers.

Who else shows up at your house with dinner-in-tow just
because she knew you would need to eat, but wouldn't have
the energy to cook?

Recently, some of my close friends unselfishly offered to donate
unwanted body fat to help rebuild my breasts. While I appreciate
the thoughtfulness, I have enough butt fat to spare.
Thank you very much!

At the gym, my two girlfriends and I were all BFs, not "BFF"
just BF: Back Fat, Belly Fat and Butt Fat Girl, respectively.

So what do you think came to mind when I heard the words
"breast reconstruction?"
...butt fat, of course!

I even thought it worth mentioning to Dr. M, my plastic surgeon.
Since my initial surgery included having only one breast removed,
Dr. M. explained that I would be "lopsided" from behind. I
ultimately agreed, but in my defense, I made the suggestion
after Dr. M. commented that I didn't have much back or belly fat
to work with.

Where are my BF girls when I need them?


  1. I am right here. I have belly and butt. You remember jr. high and what that one boy said to me? It got me into a lot of trouble with the some jealous girls. I need lipo anyway.


  2. I've got plenty of all three, my dear...and a lasagna heading your way when we get back from Georgia next week. Hope the next surgery goes GREAT - just make sure they know you're a MEDIUM.

    PS Still working the hem/onc issue...
