I should know.
My husband is quite generous.
So generous in fact that Jeff came home last night, with a little "something extra".
Fortunate for me,
it doesn't APPEAR that he was quite as generous as usual
since I'm not itching.
Whatever you do, don't stop reading here!
One of the hazards of working with sick kids is, well, contracting illnesses.
Yesterday afternoon, a patient of Jeff's presented with a highly contagious, infectious skin disease.
And you guessed it: Jeff brought it home.
So far, he appears to be the only one infected;
as I stated earlier, I'm not itching.
But can you imagine waking up, and your husband asks, "Are you itching anywhere?"
At least I have a humorous distraction as I prepare for this morning's chemo treatment. Poor Jeff, he has to call the "other woman" (aka the med student that shadowed him) and tell her that she may have contracted the disease.
Before leaving the house, Jeff confessed, "I need to do a better job washing my hands after seeing patients."
Sitting in Dr. M's exam room an hour later, I noticed this sign:

I pointed it out to Jeff before confronting my own doctor about cleaning his hands, which he had.
But I noticed that after telling him about the scabies, he didn't extend his hand for our usual handshake.
I didn't blame him.
I know what you mean. My dad was a dentist and ended up getting a needle stick and we all got to go get gamoglobulin shots to discourage the hep.