Sunday, March 21, 2010

An Excellent Weekend

I had an unusually good weekend.

Following my seventh round of chemo, I didn't endure the usual side effects.
I moved a bit slower and was tired by 10 p.m., but so what.
I felt more like myself that I had in months.

I've even managed to gain some of the weight I've loss since starting treatment. Not that I was trying, but steroids have a way of doing that to a person.
(Believe me, losing chemo weight is not the same as losing "I know I shouldn't have eaten that pie" weight.)

Saturday's weather could not have been more SPRINGTIME perfect.

Our family spent the afternoon, touring the White House with friends from Jack and Jill.
Noah asked a staffer where President Obama was. After trying to ignore Noah's inquiry, the staffer finally commented that he could not reveal the President's location.
(I submit that the guy could have come up with a more creative response to a curious six year-old's question.)

But it was a lovely day.

I was still feeling good when I decided to join another group of friends for a fundraiser at a Catholic school in Baltimore, later that evening.
I arrived in my business-casual, White House attire, ready for

(Bet you didn't see that one coming, but I DID mention "Catholic" and "fundraiser" in the same sentence.)

After attending church this morning;
running an errand; and
picking up around the house,
I'm exhausted
but without side effects.


  1. Dee, I am so glad you had a great weekend. I am so glad that you are pulling through this like such a trooper! (Or is it "trouper"?) You are an amazing woman. You inspire me!! You are very often in my prayers. You go, girl!

  2. It makes me happy to know you've had even a tiny portion of normalcy! Here's to many more days of you feeling like your usual self!

  3. Prayers have made a huge difference. They are the reason I can get up on Fridays and walk into the oncology clinic and take my medicine like a big girl. I'm feeling a little sick tonight, after yesterday's treatment, but I hope to feel better tomorrow. I'm still looking forward to another good weekend.
