Monday, November 9, 2009

An Open Letter to the President

Dear Mr. President:

I think it's worthy that you take time out of your busy day to visit our
wounded warriors at Walter Reed. They have sacrificed so much and deserve
the debt of our entire nation.

But please, if it isn't too much trouble, do you think you could have
someone check to see whether I have surgery scheduled during your next
visit? I know all about HIPAA, but you're the President.

...and I have breast cancer.

Without knowing your schedule, my doctors booked surgery to remove
my right breast. I realized someone should have checked with the
White House first, but it wasn't until I was in anesthesiology; sporting
a very comfy IV in my right foot; with regional blocks on both sides
of my spine, that an "emergency" case bumped my surgery.

Mr. President, did you know that breast cancer IS NOT an emergency?

My sedatives wore off as I waited for the critical case to vacate the
operating room. For three hours I was assured that the "emergency"
shouldn't take more than an hour; that it wouldn't be much longer;
and that the OR was being cleaned and prepped for my surgery.
[At 1:00 p.m., I was finally wheeled into the OR, not long after
my 5:30 a.m. arrival time at the hospital.]

So, the next time you plan to visit, and I hope you will soon, would you
please inform the Secret Service that a patient prepped for surgery is
no threat to National Security.

And if you have time, stop by and say "hello" too.

Deneitra Hutchinson
Proud Army Wife


  1. The nerve of them! Had I been there, I would have rolled your bed right into the midst of the President's visit and said, "I got your Nat'l Security right here!" Ok, maybe not. But I would have certainly put my hands on my hips and thought about it. :-)
    --Sharon Watkins Jones

  2. Appalling - wish Dave was still in the military quality business, 'cuz I'd ABSOLUTELY have him all over this. Military families should be supported by our president, not have their medical care compromised to accommodate his schedule.

    Think you need to SEND this letter - because I seriously doubt the President has a clue they do this. And I think enough of him to think he'd be appalled too.

  3. Deneitra, please help me understand. Was President Obama's visit the "emergency case" that was delaying your surgery??

  4. Your writing is amazing!! I really enjoy reading everything you write. I am so sorry the President caused such a mess for you. I hope you really sent this letter to him!!!! Peace and blessings always!!!

  5. Deneitra,
    I am like Judy. Was the President's visit the cause of the delay? Was he the critical case? That is crazy, if he was. Please send your letter if that is the case!

  6. @ Judy and Ginger: it seems that while there was an "emergency" patient, there was also an "emergency" president. That's the reason it took so long for my surgery to be performed. Sad, but true.
