Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Blessings in Breast Cancer

I have a choice,
Not when it comes to the pain or to my loss.

But I have a choice,
To look beyond those things and see the blessings in breast cancer.

I am both strong and weak, at once.
My circle of compassion has expanded.
My desire to help others has not diminished.
Over the past month, I've learned of true friendships.
Because of others, I have experienced the Grace of God.
Parts of this journey must be walked with God and Him alone.

It is easy to prioritize when YOU are at the top of your list.
I have learned that it's okay to ask for help because people WILL.
I not only think that I am loved but I know the people who love me.
When my husband says he loves me, I believe him, if I doubt everything else.
I've been encouraged by friends whom I haven't seen in months, years and decades.
My mother and I have had more "quality" time together this year, than we have in the past five years.

Preliminary pathology confirms that with the exception of the "positive" two lymph nodes that were discovered last month, all other nodes are clear. My right breast that was prophylactically taken had one, small cancerous tumor. That was supposed to be my good breast.

...the blessings in breast cancer.


  1. Dee, I am sooo glad you had the right breast, ("the good breast") removed. It was a traitor, a wolf in sheep's clothing. Et tu, Brute? Or is that "Et tu, boobie?" Hasta la vista, baby. Or is that hasta la vista, boobie? Now that it is gone, you can live to be 120 years old. You go girl.

  2. Deneitra,
    Keep up the wonderful attitude and do what the doctor says! I feel blessed to have you as a friend. Also, please keep up the positive attitude! It is important, as is humor. Mom sends her love as well and will write you in a few days via email. I am glad you and your Mom are getting some much needed quality time.

  3. Dee, thanks for reminding me when we walk through those valleys, we see our true blessings and He provides all the strength we need. You truly inspire me. Love, Kelly
