Monday, January 24, 2011

Blame It (On the I - I - I - I - I - I - I - I-PAD)

Jeff surprised me with an I-Pad for Christmas.
I'd asked for a color Nook. But when I unwrapped the rectangular box, I recognized the iconic silver apple.
"You're so lucky!" my ten year-old quipped.

Me? Lucky? I thought. Uh...not quite.

So, for the past six weeks, I've spent lots of time exploring my Pad, using Facebook, email, syncing my calendars and checking out mostly useless apps.
About the only thing I haven't done is post a blog.

Initially I thought it would be great for writing. I'm sure that's what Jeff thought too. I envisioned carrying my I-Pad everywhere, the way I see other people working on their laptops. But after several starts, I realized that I missed the "tap, tap, rap, tap" of my laptop's keyboard. The I-PAD's smooth, soft-touch screen did little to satisfy my need for rebounding between keys. It may sound silly, but I love the solid tapping of my laptop, singing along as I strike its buttons.

(Hmm...this must have been how people felt when they were forced to abandon the "click, clack, return" of their typewriters in exchange for a PC.)

Now that I understand the nature of my relationship with my laptop and my I-PAD,
blame my absence on the latter.
We'll meet here instead.

the satisfying thunk of my laptop.


  1. I like the keyboard of my computer so much I can't even use a laptop. day, we'll all be assimilated, hopefully! Load Angry Birds, I heard...

  2. Oh, that does present a problem doesn't it? I am so surprised to learn that I'm not the only one with these preferences. But what's Angry Birds?
