"Oh, I forgot to mention that you would lose hair all over," my sister explained after my first round of chemo.
She would know.
She'd already endured six rounds of chemo.
I couldn't complain, this was my first,
hopefully my last.
As I contemplated my future,
I begin to consider the "upside" of hair loss.
Sure I would lose the hair on my head,
but think about it:
there would be no need to shave underneath my arms;
wax my bikini line; or
shave my legs.
When the snow melted and spring break rolled around,
I wouldn't have to "deforest" before donning a bathing suit.
My sister was mostly right.
To quote Aunt Dorothy,
"What in the world?"
I was looking down at my big toe, and there were hairs on it!
Are you kidding me?
"What about the chemo? What about the hair all over!" I wanted to shout.
Some day, hopefully soon, I imagine a world without cancer.

Until that day arrives, can I please get a chemo cocktail that gets rid of toe hair?
My girlfriend that hair will be back sooner than you think. While hair can be a crown, it can also be a sign of healing. As you lose your hair "all over" you get closer to the next chemo treatment, then the next until you get to the last one. Not too long after your last one...hair will start to come back "all over" So my sister enjoy the "hair free" days while you can because soon and very soon it will regrow and you will be refreshed and renewed. Sonja B