Here is his letter:
Dear Dee, Jan 6, 2010
You inspire us all,
At first, I thought there was nothing I could do being so far away. Then again, I thought wrong. There I was sitting alone praying and contemplating on what I could do for you, when I realized that there was something I could do and that I was already doing it..prayer!
And, so everyday I said a prayer (and still do)!
However, there I was sitting alone praying once again and wondering how could I show you could I make you not just feel it but see it! That is when I realized that I could do what so many Japanese people have and still do for others...make an origami crane!
The crane is a holy creature in Japan and said to live for thousands of years. There is an old legend that says for each paper crane that is made a wish, such as, happiness and prosperity; long life or recovery from illness, will be granted.
And, thus, making Senbazuru or 1000 paper cranes, came to mind.
I thought to myself that I could fold a thousand cranes while saying a prayer on each fold(16-18 depending on how folded) that it takes to make a paper crane. I hurried to the stationery store and back home where I announced to everyone my Pray for Dee Project. My wife took one look at me and said, "Where on earth are you going to find the time to do that? Unless you plan on giving it to her 2 and a half years later, I don't see how you can get it done."
She was right! There was no way I could do this alone
So, there I was once again praying and thinking how could I get this done. That is when I started to recall the story of Jesus on the hill sharing that bread and fish with all those people. Though there seemed not to be enough to go around, there was enough for everyone and more, For me, this symbolized prayer. If I shared it, it would grow and grow if everyone was praying with the same sort of faith that it takes to make a difference.
That's it! Share in Pray with others!
Now, it sounds like a great idea...however..I had to remind myself that I am living in a mainly Buddhist country. Would people pray with me? Would they think I am trying to pull them into some religious cult or something? Though I worried at first, I decided that it is always better to try than to just worry about the outcome.
So, I started with my family. My wife and kids got together and we made about 50 together. Then, I asked my mother-in-law. She said, "It would be my pleasure. Just leave them on the table and I will do some later." Didn't like the response but left them there just in case, Got home frm work that night and she hands me this shoe box and says, "Here's 250 done,""Huh?Did you do that all in one day?" I cried, "Yes!And, I can do them all this week for you, if you want" she replied! Though it was tempting, I told her that I wanted to ask some others to help and join in prayer.
So, I called a Japanese friend of mine and told him about you and what I wanted to do, He said he would be glad to make a paper crane for you; however, I would have to teach him how to make it. Thought all Japanese knew how to make it....little to say for stereotyping now.
Nonetheless, my project came to life, I started asking everyone that passed my way....students, friends, employees, youth group, neighbors, an Italian nun and many help make a crane and pray for Dee.
The response was overwhelming and moved me to tears, You see Dee, what I discovered was that no matter what our race or religion is...
There are no boarder lines when it comes to:
Sharing in faith and hope.
Sharing in loving one another!
Sharing in prayer.
Dee, may this Senbazuru be an inspiration to you as you are to us.
We love you and continue to pray!
Love Always,

I have enclosed pictures of some that helped though there were nearly a hundred people who helped. Finally, you should know that my mother-in-law was so inspired that she went out and bought some origami paper and has already made 1700 cranes and counting.
Thank you Sean for your love and continuing to be the inspiration YOU are.
Jeff - Thank you for sharing this letter with Dee's friends. What a moving, loving, inspirational thing Sean has done. Tell Dee we are sending all of our love and healing prayers to surround you all.
ReplyDeleteKelley is a crane-folder,and has talked about the 1000 cranes before - I'll get him on the job tomorrow. Thanks to Sean for this reminder of a great tradition with inspiring execution. Jeff, hugs and kisses to Deneitra - it's going to take one day at a time, but she'll get there, she's got a fantastic support team in you and the boys.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the letter, how beautiful! - it brought me to tears. What a wonderful friend you have and what an amazing example of faith making a difference. We love you guys and will be here for anything you need.
ReplyDeleteJust checked in on the blog. What a great idea Sean! Hello too. :)
ReplyDeleteDeneitra, we pray often for you. Hugs from your friends in the Great White North...the Holy Land...Canada.
Hugs to all of you.
Sean and Family,
ReplyDeleteThat is so moving and beautiful! I, too, am trying to finish some things for Deneitra. I wish I could work as fast as you. My synagogue does share in praying with me every Friday! It is a beautiful sound. I also corrected one of the Rabbis on his pronunciation the other day. He was very kind about it.
I say the Mi' Shebeirach for you daily! I love you, the Hutch family, and the Green family very much. Thank you for all you folks have given me over the years. Now to finish the bracelet.
Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl... this is getting toooooooooo real. Somehow though, this story is as beautiful as you are. I am following now... breathing deeply with a prayer each moment you cross my mind.
ReplyDeleteDee, what a moving letter from Sean! How blessed you are to have a friend like him! I, too, pray for you often throughout the day. You are an inspiration to me. Love and hugs to you, girl.