Thursday, December 10, 2009

Don't Ya Worry About a Ping, Mon!

I received a copy of physical therapy "axilla" exercises from a friend at church.
I hadn't looked at the papers in my purse when a friend, who is a nurse said,
"You really need physical therapy. I can tell by the way you're holding your left arm."

Since I'm up for a challenge,
cause you know breast cancer in itself isn't enough,
I unfolded the packet of exercises and got to work later that night.
Next day, my arm felt better and the mobility had slightly improved.
I thought - there might be something to this PT stuff!

By day three, I was hooked.
Before my diagnosis, I spent 4-5 days weekly in the gym,
perfecting my Michelle Obama shoulders, biceps and triceps.
So, what's a little physical therapy?

I started the exercises, careful to follow the instructions.
I used my I-phone to time my sessions; I wanted to execute them perfectly.

I was smokin'!
First exercise: Rep 1, Rep 2, Rep 3 - good
Second exercise: Rep 1 - good
Rep 2 - !!!PING!!!
!!!PING!!!? What the heck was !!!PING!!!?
Did something snap loose? Did I pop something?
Was my arm going to fall off later that night?

Without a doctor in the house, I phoned Gina, my nursing friend.
"Are you in Pain?" No
"Can you move your arm?" Yes
"Any swelling in the area?" No
Gina told me to watch it and apply heat if it bothered me.
She also said I should take a break from exercising, at least until Jeff came home from work.

I interpreted Gina's instructions as follows:

  1. Make yourself comfortable; relax.
  2. Take a Valium.
  3. If Valium does not work, try a cocktail.

Now say it with me, in your best Jamaican accent: Don't ya worry about a !!!PING!!!, mon.

Aah...I feel better already!

1 comment:

  1. ...and here I call my doctor friends on LI when I am worried about whatever;) They give mne something aking to the same advice. I also call Jeff, who explains what doctor says in plain English. Thank you, to the husband of Dee!

    P.S. My doctor never did call me back about my results. Glad I have secret inside sources. Be careful about those pings. I once did that while sliding a 50lb box of frozen meat from above my was my biceptal tendon, but, that HURT!
