If you don't know me well,
then you might not know that I do not like tattoos.
My husband likes them, and apparently so do lots of other folks.
Until recently, I thought that ink wasn't for me.
Now I am seriously considering getting two of them -
one on each breast.
No one is more surprised about this change of heart than I am.
But last week I had a completely unexpected encounter.
I was in Houston visiting my family, when I interrupted my mother, who was getting undressed.
My brain scrambled to make sense of what I was looking at:
And if I'd stood there long enough, I'm sure I would have noticed that she had nipples too.
What did I expect?
I guess I expected hers to look like mine,
minus the mastectomy scars.
The last time I'd seen those two "additions" was November 2009.
It had been years since I'd glimpsed my mother's ta-tas,
or anyone else's for that matter.
Not everyone will agree with me, but
it IS possible to forget how they are SUPPOSED to look.
Since donating my breasts to science,
I have grown accustomed to looking at myself in the mirror each morning and thinking - that doesn't look so bad...
okay, that's not completely true.
This ripply-implant-thing is just downright weird-looking.
But ignoring that,
I love the idea of getting away with NOT having to wear a bra.
Without a bull's eye on my breast,
a sheer t-shirt has nothing to reveal:
no push-up padding, no straps, no nothing.
On the other hand,
I cannot go bra-less with the rippled implants I currently have.
So, who knows?
Once the implants are replaced,
and fat is injected to smooth-out my skin,
I might go for the tatts.
After all, I could do a lot worse,
than simply looking like my mother.

(Were you expecting a picture of something else?)