The ripple effect is a term used to describe a situation where, like the ever expanding ripples across water when an object is dropped into it, an effect from an initial state can be followed outwards incrementally. (Wikipedia)
That 'pretty much' describes how one of my breasts looks silicone rippling beneath my skin, causing it to droop outward.
Right now, you're probably thinking:
What? Aren't your implants new? Didn't you just have surgery a couple of weeks ago?
If that is what you're thinking, and I don't mean to burst your bubble (pun intended), they are, and I did.
At my first follow-up appointment, my breast didn't look this way, but I can still recall the PA saying that it would take about three months for them to "settle." (Settle as in: to sink gradually or to the bottom?)
Since I had an appointment today, I asked my physical therapist what she thought.
"Does this breast look right to you?"
I was lying on my back, but my breast looked as if it was about to slide off the edge of a cliff.
WAIT A MINUTE!! Shouldn't fake boobs forever point north?
The therapist took a look.
"It's not supposed to look like that. I'm not an expert, but that one might be defective."
It WAS defective, I think to myself. That's why I had it replaced.
But I knew what she meant.
I see my plastic surgeon next week.
I can't wait.
I need him to understand that
although I've given birth to three boys, and one of them weighed just over ten pounds, I'm still in my forties, and unprepared to see another body part with ripples.
Saying "goodbye" is difficult. My journey began in October 2009, when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After rounds of surgery, chemo, and radiation, I am moving beyond the disease and want to encourage everyone who reads this that you will come through your trials. It may not be cancer, but we're all going through something.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
When is Getting a C Better than a B?

The new girlz are in.
I hate to admit it, but I'm a little disappointed with them. I was expecting bigger and better. Imagine my let-down (no pun intended) when I peeked beneath my tightly bound tube top to find two B-cups. (At least I think they are B-cups.) What happened to the C-cups I requested?
When I unwrapped my bandages after last week's surgery, I felt deflated...literally. Hadn't my doctor said, "You will definitely wear a C-cup in a Victoria's Secret bra?"
And what happened to the 425 cc's of saline I'd grown accustomed to, while living with expanders? Mine even had names. The left one was October and the right one was November, referring to the fall of '09 when expanders replaced my breasts.
Bigger boobs were supposed to be my pay-off for getting breast cancer.
Some pay-off!
Today my PA informed me that my breasts still have some swelling. "Does this mean my breast will be even smaller?" I asked. Looks like I'll be putting off buying that new bra for another three months.
Ironic thing is, I don't really need to wear one.
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